Slash Your To-Do List in 3 Steps (+ 1)

If you’re a “list person” you might enjoy adding things to your to-do list just to check them off. But even the most “listy” of list people can get overwhelmed and find themselves doing low-priority tasks while procrastinating things that could propel their productivity forward. Here’s 3 steps that can cut your to-do list in half TODAY

1. Eliminate

Before you do anything, ask yourself “Why am I doing this?” If it doesn’t need to be done, then stop doing it. Simple as that. Maybe you’re filling out redundant paperwork, compulsively checking social media, or working your way through obsolete bureaucratic procedures. Are you adding additional tasks or steps because you’re a perfectionist? Unless you’re doing something that requires zero errors (Brain surgery? Rocket science?), then eliminate your need for perfection. 90% accuracy is fantastic for a great many daily work tasks; if it’s not, you can dial your game back up until you find that sweet spot.

2. Automate

Now that you have a list of what actually has to be done, look for repetitive tasks and find ways to make them happen automatically. If you’re still messing around with physical checks, then online banking, direct deposit and automatic bill-pay are essential starting points. Set up email rules to auto-file what you want to read later and auto-delete annoying advertising before you even open your inbox. heck out apps like Zapier and Sanebox to automate routine data management and mailing processes.

3. Delegate

Now you have a list of jobs that in an ideal world would be done by a lifelike AI, but in the real world must be done by a human being. Before jumping in, ask yourself “Who else could do this?” If this task is not part of your job description, then who should it go to? Complex tasks might actually be part of a colleague’s job description. More entry level work—simple data entry, emails, or basic design and copywriting—could be delegated to an assistant or a freelancer available through sites like Fiverr or Upwork.

Bonus: Procrastinate

We promised you 3 steps plus 1 so here you go: procrastinate. This isn’t normally considered a desirable approach, but in fact, it can be a way of getting rid of annoying non-vital tasks, such as those someone else thinks are important, but you don’t. Strategically delaying your response to a phone call or email might result in the person finding their own solution or going to someone else. Waiting until the last minute to plan an employee picnic may cause others to jump in and get the job done. Obviously, this is an approach to use judiciously so as not to damage your reputation or important relationships. Some non-vital tasks become vital simply because of who assigned them (i.e. your boss . . . or your spouse!)

Need help?

Tech issues can be the single largest time-waster and source of frustration for you and your employees. Consider delegating your IT management to a managed service provider such as Ascend Technology Group. We’ll steer you toward solutions that will save time so you can make money.

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